請看完每一分段後, 自已作出有關的例句作為習作.

will gowill not goWill you go?
go / goes do not goDo you go?
現在進行now/Look!is/am/are goingis/am/are not going Are you going?
現在完成already/just/yet(for/since)has/have gonehas/has not gone Have you gone?
Has she gone?
過去last/ago/yesterdaywentdid not goDid you go?
過去進行- was/were goingwas/were not goingWere you going?
過去完成had... before (past tense) had gonehad not gone Had you gone home before Mary went home?


enjoy,like,hate,love 之後動詞加ing 變動名詞(Gerund)
e.g. I like eating. I enjoy listening to music.

不定詞 (Infinitives):
e.g. I go to work at 7 o'clock.
e.g. I stretch out my hand to pick up the paper.

用Do/Did/Does 的發問:
現在式(present tense):
Do you eat an apple? I eat an apple / I do not eat an apple.
現在式(present tense):
Does she eat an apple? She eats an apple / She does not eat an apple.
過去式(past tense):
Did she eat an apple? She ate an apple / She did not eat an apple.
Excerise: compose one set of the above example in your own words.

副詞(Adverbs): 用以形容動詞(verbs)或形容詞(adjectives)
Peter eats an apple rudely. (rudely 粗魯地形容eat(verbs))
Peter eats an apple happliy (快樂地) / quickly (很快地) / quietly (靜靜地) / politely ( 有禮地) .

形容詞(adjectives): 用以形容名詞(nouns)
Peter is polite. (polite 有禮的 形容 Peter)

The apple is sweet/sour/bitter/rotten/juicy...

in - 在裡面, on - 在上面, at - 在, behid - 在後面, in front of - 在 前面, at the back of - 在後面, at the top of - 在頂上, above - 在上方, below - 在下方, between 在中 間, beside - 旁邊, next to - 旁邊, opposite to - 對面, near - 附近, into - 進入.

in 較大範圍的: in China, in H.K., in Mongkok, in the morning, in 1990, in June
at 準確的時間,節日中: at 3:00 p.m., at noon, at Christmas.
on 指定某一日: on Sunday, on 5th of March, on Christmas Eve.

take care of / look after 照顧, look for 尋找, at the corne 在角落, get on 上車, get off 下車, break into 闖入, share with 分享, brown in color, pay for 付 款, arrive at 到達, on the way 途中, ask for help 求助, thank for 多謝, throw away 投擲, at this moment 現在, at sunset, come off 脫落, pick up 拿起, wait for 等待, laugh at 取笑某人, made in China , made of wood ( 保持木之質感如木椅), made from grades (已沒原來質感如提子酒), made by Chinese, with long hair, in the black clothes.

比較式 Comparatives and superatives:

e.g. Difficult - more difficult, most difficult
Usage example: Chinese test is more difficult *than English test.
Singing is *the most difficult task for me.

General Hints for comparatives/superatives:
In general - add "er" & "est", e.g. tall - taller,tallest
If last sound vowel, repeat the last character: e.g. fat - fatter, fattest
If last character is 'y', change to 'i'. e.g. lazy - lazier laziest.
If the word has 2 more sounds, add more / most in front of the word. e.g. expensive - more expensive, most expensive.

Past participle 過去分詞 present participle 現在分詞
She is bored.
She is boring.
她令人感 到悶-不是指她感到悶
She is bored by the book.We all feel that she is boring.
She is interested in singing.
I think that she is interesting.
She is excited. She is exciting.
She is pleased by your gift. She is pleasing to everybody in our class.