Test 13 - Question with When,Where,How long,How often,How,Why,What,Which
Usage examples:

When did you finish your work? I finished my work at seven o'clcok.
Where did you finish your work? I finished my work at home.
How long have you finished your work? I have finished my work for one hour.
How often do you play tennis? I play tennis once a week.
How did you paint the picture? I painted the picture by crayon.
How many apple do you eat? I eat three apples.
how much time do you want? I need three minutes.
Why should we go home by MTR instead of bus? There is a traffic jam on the way.
What is it? It is a dried flower.
Which color do your like more, red or dark? I like red color more.
Whose orange is this? This is Peter's orange.
Who eat an apple? Peter eats an apple.

Please compose a list of questions and answers based on the above example. Then give it to someone who can check it.